



The Synodal Liturgical Music Commission announces the 30th North-American conference of the Russian Church Abroad

With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, the Synodal Liturgical Music Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, and St. Xenia’s Russian Orthodox Church in Ottawa, Ontario will present the 30th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference, Ottawa, Canada, October 4-8, 2023:

The Orthodox Liturgical Aesthetic: Creating Beautiful Services

Featured faculty: Nicholas Cowall, from Melbourne, Australia, is an experienced church musician, music educator, conductor, vocal coach, and vocalist (see link in website).

The purpose of these conferences is to bring together choir members and conductors to explore the wealth and beauty of Russian Orthodox church music. Participants will gain practical and theoretical knowledge and experience through lectures, workshops and rehearsals which culminate in festive hierarchal services. Metropolitan Nicholas will officiate with Archbishop Gabriel concelebrating. Further, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, get to know like-minded people and expand their liturgical repertoire.

The All-Night Vigil and the Divine Liturgy will be held at St. Xenia’s Russian Orthodox Church, located at 2 Colchester Square, Ottawa.

For more information see the conference website https://rocmconference.net or write to info@rocmconference.net


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