Triumph of Orthodoxy in Buenos Aires

On 16 March in the Resurrection Cathedral in Buenos Aires, Protopreist Vladimir de Skalon and its deacons conducted liturgy with the special supplication "On the Conversion of the Wayward." A number of people gathered for this event, filled with gratitude to the Lord for the great honor and joy of being Orthodox Christians.

All the worshipers carefully followed the divine liturgy. The cathedral choir sang very well under the direction of Viktor Vyugov.

Fr. Vladimir stood before the Altar of the Lord in ceremonious prayer, undoubtedly sensing behind him the effect of each and every worshiper. Just by looking at him, one's heart knows that the Lord hears the prayers of each church-goer. Fr. Vladimir, now in his eighties, serves as an example of devotion to the Lord, devoting more than half his life to the priesthood.

Fr. Vladimir emerged for the sermon with the words of St. John of Shanghai, which the parishioners took home with them: words about the Orthodox faith being as a pure wellspring of the faith in Christ, without simplification or alteration, on the joy of calling oneself an Orthodox Christian, on being grateful to the Lord for this.

The School Year in Temperle Begins

The parish school of the Church of the Protection of the Most-Holy Mother of God in Temperle (a suburb of Buenos Aires) begans with a ceremony.

The rector of the parish, Priest Igor Bulatov, along with Deacon Vladimir Oleinik, the teachers and students and parishioners, gathered to ask God's blessing. A service of supplication was performed for the start of the school year.

The school at Protection Church is opening its doors for a third year to all those who wish to learn the Russian language. The Law of God is also taught at the school. Lessons in Russian are held on the high-school level in two groups--beginning and secondary. Professional teachers from among the new immigration include Elena Konstantinovna Kovalskaya and Svetlana Viktorovna Mironova. The children also study music; Russian songs and dances, preparing matinees for the holidays. Irina Andreevna Koltsova teaches music, while parishioners and parents tend to the refreshments.

A great debt of gratitude is expressed to the organizer and head of the school, Tatyana Nikolaevna Tedlyarevich for her tireless work.

Beginning their studies on the day of St. Gregory Palamas, we hope for his help and prayers to the Lord for a successful and fruitful school year.

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